[cvsnt] email notification help

Chris Purves pchris at aims-bio.com
Wed Jul 11 00:07:54 BST 2007

On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:10:02 -0600, Glen Starrett  
<glen.starrett at march-hare.com> wrote:

> Chris Purves wrote:
>> I have read through the documentation about email notification and there
>> appears to be at least three ways to go about it: loginfo, modules, and
>> watch command as well as the method prescribed in the email notification
>> section, through the commit_email file.
> There's more than that -- you can also use Bo's "cvsmailer" product that
> is quite handy.

I looked at that also, but I believe it is only for Windows and I am  
running CVSNT on linux so I can't make use of it.

>> What I would like to do, is for commits to a specific module send out
>> notification emails to a group listed in the groups file once per day.
>> What would be the best way to go about this?  I have sendmail installed
>> on the server, so I can make use of the
>> MailCommand in PServer.
> You might want to consider using a cron job with a log command, audit
> query, or similar for this type of daily report.
> I know, too many options.  If you let us know what you require in the
> output, then perhaps someone can suggest an appropriate set of commands
> to help.

My setup is that for each module I have a corresponding group, listed in  
the groups file.  What I would like to do is once per day for each module,  
check if any files have been modified/added.  If there has been a change:

Send an e-mail to all users of the module group listing the changes made  
and by whom.  The template file in section B.18 of the manual looks good  
with the exception that I would probably want the from address to be  
something generic and the to address would include several dynamic  
addresses, not a single fixed address.

It is my guess that the built-in mail notification in CVSNT is triggered  
whenever a commit is made and sends a single e-mail for a single change  
(or commit).  If a person was editing or adding several files, that could  
amount to high volume of e-mail in a single day.  I would prefer to have  
one e-mail represent all changes made to a module in a single day.

 From what I understand so far, I think the best way would be to use the  
loginfo file to write to log files for each module, then run a cron job to  
send mails to the specific groups and empty the log files.  Besides using  
the loginfo file, are there any other CVSNT features I can make use of or  
am I going about it in a poor way?

If using loginfo is a good idea, what REGEX can I use to check if the  
change is to a specific module?  The manual says the REGEX is relative to  
the directory where the change is made, not relative to the module.

I hope that's not too much information.  Thanks for your help and I will  
post back with my final results for others to use.

Chris Purves
Process Development Scientist
Advanced Integrated Microsystems Ltd.
Suite 1019, Research Transition Facility
8308 - 114 Street
Edmonton, AB  T6G 2V2

Tel: (780) 439-1189

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