[cvsnt] how commit -r work?

Tim Chippington Derrick tim at chippingtonderrick.co.uk
Fri Mar 9 16:14:34 GMT 2007

Don't *ever* try to force the revision numbers - it won't work any 
more and is associated with a broken way of thinking. This is a 
*very* common mistake that many people make when they don't 
understand what is going on. Instead just tag all the files with some 
meaningful name like "V2.0" and then you can always retrieve that set 
of files with the correct versions by specifying the correct tag on 
checkout. Trust us on this - you can almost totally ignore the 
individual version numbers as they don't really help you that much.


At 22:23 08/03/2007, you wrote:
>I have a project in objC (like c/c++). and I want to make all the 
>files to have revision number 2.0 (or 2.1) before I checkin big 
>changes. I'm using win2k/cvsnt 2.5.03 at server side and the 
>developer/client side is winxp / Cygwin / CVS 1.11.22.
>It works fine so far for just check in and out the code / projects. 
>But now I get problem to specify revision number for one of my projects.
>F:\home\YL\Projects\wo\EObjects>cvs commit -m "make rev 2 before big 
>changes" -r 2.0
>cvs commit: Examining .
>cvs server: nothing known about `2.0'
>cvs server: nothing known about `--'
>cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!
>Any advices are greatly appreciated.
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