[cvsnt] cvs [commit aborted]: memory exhausted

Diego Villarino diegosvi at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Apr 17 14:01:05 BST 2008

  We use Tortoise CVS to access a CVS repository located in an AIX System.
  We use CVS to store documents (word, excel and ms proyect) in binary format and we have multiple versions of them.
  We are having troubles when we try to commit a 21mb mpp (MS Proyect) file which has 19 revisions. The error is:
  In C:\work\General\2008-04\Planes de Trabajo: "C:\Archivos de programa\CVSNT\cvs.exe" -q commit -m  "xxx-PLN-Trabajo xxx.mpp" 
CVSROOT=:pserver:xxx at servexxx:2403/CVS-xxx/xxx-Doc
  /CVS-xxx/xxx-Doc/General/2008-04/Planes de Trabajo/xxx-PLN-Trabajo xxx.mpp,v  <--  xxx-PLN-Trabajo xxx.mpp
cvs [commit aborted]: memory exhausted
  Error, CVS operation failed
Versions affected (at least):
Tortoise 1.8.18
Tortoise 1.10.6
Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382
Thanks in advance.


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