[cvsnt] Bugid with commit compared to bugid in edit

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Fri Dec 5 00:50:01 GMT 2008


> - is the difference concerning the bugid between commit and edit "as 
> designed" and if so what is the reason for this?

It's a change set.  A person would typically edit file hello.cpp,
hello.h and hello.rc as bug 123, and maybe common.h as bug 234, then
when the boss tells them to 'return all work for project 234' they just
commit 234 and only common.h is committed.  Alternatively the person
find that project.rc needs a small change and they just do a quite cvs
ci -B 999 -m "" project.rc.

> - what is the best solution for checking the bugid before the commit 
> actually is performed. 

Use the C++ triggers or COM triggers.  The CVS Suite (paid version of
CVSNT) uses this for the defect trackign integration with
mantis/bugilla/jira and it does a whote range of pre-commit checks
including checking if the bug exists, checking if it is assigned to the
current person committing etc.


Arthur Barrett

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