[cvsnt] How to invoke internal mailer

Bart S barts2108 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 16 22:45:02 GMT 2008

Hi Arthur,

I definitely not want to drive this to the uttermost point.

The case is:
I am fan of CVS (read CVSNT + WinCVS) and I know its an open source.
I am putting up a test if this is usable for our company, and if it is, purchasing
the suite is not any problem.

However, if the support for purchased suit is the same as here as I expereince
it, then I would recommend another package to my supervisor. - It means you will
get more sales with *good* support..... I am a software engineer myself and I left
this principle to "protect" .... "attacks" on your software...

I am not intending to follow the trunk of the CVS(NT) product (either free or not).
I am a user, downloading the STABLE version to use for *my* version control.

If I download the latest version available on your site, then please not blame me
with an "outdated version" while your zip file is not uptodate -or- you have a broken

I guess you can imagine now that you mentioned this bug has been solved 2.5 years ago, and its still available in the sources, that I should come back to my point about
the internal mailer and where it is invoked. Seeing the code, I would say... the internal
mailer is invoked depending on the bug.

Please check the latest code (trunk) on the existense of this bug and handle accordignly

From: Arthur Barrett <arthur.barrett at march-hare.com>
To: Bart S <barts2108 at yahoo.co.uk>; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Sent: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008 23:35:14
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] How to invoke internal mailer

> I tried it again to download the sources ..

OK here is what I wrote:

> If you want to look at the CVSNT code please check out from
> cvs.cvsnt.org.  

The ZIP files should be up to date, but possibly are not, hence why I
wrote "If you want to look at the CVSNT code please check out from




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