[cvsnt] Message form list come with reply to the individual sender

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun Dec 21 09:01:31 GMT 2008

On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 13:30:04 +0100, "Fabio D'Alfonso"
<fabio.dalfonso at fabiodalfonso.com> wrote:

>The messages come with reply to: set to the individual sender.
>It could be possible to change the setting; sometimes I forget this and then
>the message is sent to the sender and not to the list.

The best way to interact with this "list" IMHO is actually using the
news interface:
Server= news.cvsnt.org
Group = support.cvsnt

- No clutter-up of your mailbox
- Possible to view easily all posts in a thread
- Responses go to the list as normal course of action
- You can keep a neat history of all posts in the newsreader archive

I can't understand why anyone could be actively using the email
interface when there exists a news interface....


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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