[cvsnt] (RC8) Very slow to start processing!

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Wed Oct 29 21:51:50 GMT 2008

Arthur Barrett wrote:

 > > No valid ipv6 address found for host

 > I'm pretty sure this is the reason.  Your PC has IPv6 installed but 
it > is not configured.

This error comes from mdns_mini and means ipv6 is not installed (if I'm 
reading the code right, anyway).  It probably needs re-wording or 
removing as an message as the lack of ipv6 is generally uninteresting.

> OS vendors are shipping IPv6 to install by default now (including MS, RedHat etc) however very few organisations configure it or even when it is configured it's dodgy, I seem to be constantly having to specify rsync -4 or ssh -4 or scp -4 because of IPv6 network problems.  CVSNT probably should have a 'use IPv4 only' setting (both the client and the server) but it'll have to wait.
It takes more than having it enabled to cause something like that.. it 
would both a machine running router advertisement to both give it a 
global address and advertise a default route, but have that router 
unable to actually respond.

That's quite hard to do accidentally...  the equivalent of 
'accidentally' installing a DHCP server, then stuffing up the config.

That said, in common with most other apps we should probably have a -4 
switch to cover these cases (I must admit it's never occurred to me 
before as our ipv6 works :p).


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