With the included side by side Diff and Merge utility you can compare the changes between any two historical version os file, or the current copy on disk with a repository version. Buy now for £85.
Microsoft Office Support
With CVS Suite tracking changes in Microsoft Office documents is easy. The text portion of any Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Powerpoint document can be compared side by side with the latest version. Document properties and macros are also shown in the side by side view - so you can be sure you are comparing all the changes.

WiNMerge. CVS Suite side by side Differences viewer allows you to see all your chages at a glance.

Right Click
Checking the changes you have made to a document is as quick as a right click away. You can also view the differences between any two documents in history with the CVS->History command from the right click menu.
Line Filters
Filter out comment lines and other noise from right within the side by side differences view in CVS Suite. The toolbar provides a quick way to navigate through all the changes in a file, skipping directly from one change to the next, however if there are lines that are not critical to you, such as comments you can program the diff/merge utility to ignore them using a simple regular expression.
Directory Compare
From the diff/merge compare tool you can also view the differences in an entire directory. Smart filters are installed for ignoring the most common files (such as programs and images). This is a great way to update web sites or your network drive and a USB drive that you want to synchronise between.