[cvsnt] Latest updates

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Dec 17 14:38:48 GMT 2002

cvsnt build 63

Lots of bug fixes.
Preserve execute bit on compatible (ie. Unix) clients.
New installer.  You'll need to uninstall the old version to install
this one (probably).
Experimental ssh support, client & server (server is ssh2 only).
There is some documentation of the client in the cvs.pdf.  Prod me
about it if you're interested.
'cvs info' (lame name, I know) which tells you about the protocols
that the client currently supports.   It's designed to be parseable by
frontends, so its format is fairly basic.  Try 'cvs info ssh' :-)
'cvs ls' now does a 'co -c' to list the modules file as well if
there's any data available.
New CVSROOT parser that supports keywords, so things are a lot more
flexible now.
Proxy support (currently http only without any authentication,
basically because that's all I can test on).

Since there's so much changed you might want to wait a couple of days
before upgrading.  That said, we are running the same build here, 36
hours before a major release :-)


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