[cvsnt] reoccurring 'invalid change text' errors

Andrew Waldman AWaldman at eStarMail.com
Tue Jan 7 23:59:37 GMT 2003

We are running cvsnt 1.11.3 (Build 57j) on our client's and server.  The
server is on a Window's 2000 server that is also a domain controller.  We
access the cvs server using pserver.

The problem we are having is that we keep receiving 'invalid change text'
errors in different files in our repository.

At first the way I would correct the error was to, remove and recreate the
The second way I fixed it was to remove the file from cvs, then update the
clients, then re-add the file and finally re-update the clients.
Now I am realizing that the error usually just happens on one client
(different client each time) to start with, and then sometime within the
next 12 hours the error seems to be propagated to the other clients.  So
what I have been doing, is just re-checking out that source from cvs for
that client, and this seems to work.
The problem is now occurring just about every day,  where when it started
about 1.5 months ago it was only every couple of day's.
I have tried to determine if the repository was really corrupt, but have not
been able to determine such.  Looking @ the ,v files they look ok, but I
have noticed that usually just before the error occurs that if you dif the
file, it show the entire file as a change, not just the few lines that
actually changed.

I saw that there were some messages about this a month ago, but it did not
seem to be a resolution.  Let me know if there is any other information that
would aid in figuring out why this happens.

Thanks in advance,
-Andy Waldman

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