[cvsnt] Re: rpm for mandrake10

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Aug 10 10:46:40 BST 2004

Laurent Bardi wrote:
> (the configure is configure --disable-sspi  --prefix=/usr

Why disable sspi?

> Some modifications are made :
> -the repository is : /usr/local/cvsntrepos (if it doesnt exist it is created and
> initialized)

You should not create repositories without asking the user.  If 
necessary put up a dialog and ask them (really you shouldn't start the 
service by default - assume a client installation unless there's a good
reason not to).

> -creates cvsuser (account; passwd : cvsuser) and cvsusers (group)
> -install via xinetd, the cvs pserver dameon runs under cvsuser.cvsusers

That just creates configuration difficulties and makes the service hard 
to configure.   Start the daemon as root and let cvsnt drop privileges 
when it needs to.

You'll also need to install/start cvslockd.

You'd be better off starting with the redhat RPM and making any needed 
changes there.  Mandrake and Redhat are virtually identical in this 
respect (it wouldn't surprise me if the RH RPM installed on mandrake 
without changes).


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