[cvsnt] Re: Viewing cvsnt.rss using RSS-Reader-Panel

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Fri Jul 2 00:57:03 BST 2004

Markus F. Frisch wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> I've been using RSS-Reader-Panel to view the file cvsnt.rss from 
> cvsnt.org for quite a while. That stopped working a few days ago.
> I switched to sage 1.1 but that didn't help. The rss-files from 
> sourceforge still work fine.
> There's one thing I noticed: when I download an rss from sourceforge,
> the server says "Content-Type: text/xml". When I download cvsnt.rss, the 
> Server says "Content-Type: application/rss+xml".
> Anybody else got this problem?

rss+xml is the correct content type for rss files (well, one of 
them...).  Most software doesn't care though (I've seen them sent as 
text/html before now).

I use SharpReader, which works fine with pretty much anything.

> BTW.: the script that creates the rss-file containing the recent changes 
> (http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/RecentChanges?action=rss_rc) seems to be 
> broken. I always get the following message:

Never heard of that... it's not configured or anything so it doesn't 
surprise me it doesn't work.


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