[cvsnt] Re: CVSNT,VSS, SqlServer on same box?

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu Jan 13 15:18:36 GMT 2005

Anthony, Steve wrote:
> So my question is, can I co-host CVS, VSS and SQL Server on a single
> box (presuming enough disk space)? What issues do I need to be aware
> of? I've been told that there's a strong admonition to run CVS on it's
> own box (although I don't see that in the install doc). Is there a good
> reason for this? Or is it due to the CVSNT code not beening tested in
> such a config and wanting to play it safe?

You'll need sufficient disk, memory and CPU to handle all 3 of course.

I'd put the SQL Server box on its own machine as I've found it doesn't 
like competing for resources - it tends to expand until it's filled all 
the available memory.

The idea of keeping the CVSNT server separate is just safety - stopping 
users from being able to directly edit the repository.  Ideally you keep 
it on its own box with no network shares so all access has to come 
through the server process.

If you're going to have a lot of simultaneous access to multiple apps 
then disk access time will be a factor...  SCSI RAID is the ultimate 
answer to this although it's quite expensive.


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