[cvsnt] Keys and checkout

Kevin Carmody i at kevincarmody.com
Wed Mar 16 22:03:11 GMT 2005

Hello cvsnt members,

I am new to CVS and cvsnt, and I hope you can help me out.  I am trying to use 
CVS to access a development project called "devnag" on Sarovar.org, which is a 
SourceForge-like site based in India.

At the suggestion of one of my fellow developers, I have installed cvsnt on my 
system, even though it is a Windows 98 system.  I have successfully used cvsnt's 
cvs95.exe to do an anonymous login and checkout from our project, but I haven't 
succeeded yet in doing a developer checkout.

The Sarovar documentation says to use ssh-keygen to generate public and private 
keys.  I used OpenSSH's ssh-keygen.exe, which generated two key files, id_dsa 
and id_dsa.pub.  I entered the key in id_dsa.pub into my Sarovar account, and I 
moved id_dsa to C:\Windows\All Users\Home\.ssh\id_dsa and put "set 
home=c:\windows\alluse~1\home" into AUTOEXEC.BAT.

The Sarovar documentation says I should use the following syntax to do a 
developer checkout:

cvs -z3 -d:ext:kcarmody at cvs.devnag.sarovar.org:/cvsroot/devnag co velthuis

So I thought I would try this with cvs95.exe.  But when I type

"C:\Program Files\cvsnt\cvs95.exe"
-z3 -d:ext:kcarmody at cvs.devnag.sarovar.org:/cvsroot/devnag co velthuis

it returns:

CVS95 [checkout aborted]: Connection to server failed

I notice there is a genkey.exe in cvsnt.  Should I use this instead, and if so, 
how would it work with cvs95?

TIA for assitance anyone can offer.


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