[cvsnt] Why access method is not available?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Aug 29 17:06:15 BST 2006

At Tuesday 29/8/2006 12:39, Xu Cheng wrote:

>I installed CVSNT 2.5.03 and TortoiseCVS 1.8.26 on a same local 
>machine.CVSNT server seems to be running perfectly, but when I tried 
>to use TortoiseCVS to create a new module, it gave me a error 
>message: "cvs [import aborted]: the :pserver: access method is not 
>available on this system" And whatever protocol I use, the error 
>messages all show that they are not available on this system. Why? I 
>had been bothered by this problem until 3 am in the morning and 
>still couldn't make it running... Please help me!! Season  xu

How did you install them?
TortoiseCVS comes with its own CVSNT client install. With latest 
CVSNT versions, you can't have more than one CVSNT installation on 
the same machine. So mixing them may be problematic.
You should install CVSNT first, and then Tortoise; this way Tortoise 
recognizes the current CVSNT install and uses it.
Try uninstalling Tortoise, reinstalling CVSNT over itself (not needed 
really, just to be sure all dependencies are available), and then 
reinstall Tortoise.

Anyway, if you are going to use it *only* on your local machine, 
TortoiseCVS is the only thing you need; no need to setup CVS first.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

 p5.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Tue Aug 29 15:27:04 GMT 2006 
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