[cvsnt] HELP needed: My CVSNT (cvsnt- is not cachingexternal RSH program (CYGWIN's SSH)

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu Nov 6 09:57:00 GMT 2008

S. Muraleedhara Reddy.,

> I narrowed my problem like this. My CYGWIN SSH is working 

If you want to use Cygwin SSH then use Cygwin CVS.

> if i use :ssh:
> in my WinCVS it asks for a password, and works if enter my

You just need to configure putty rather than Cygwin.  Download putty and
get putty working with your keys and then CVSNT will work with your
keys.  Putty is just a windows native ssh client.

The CVSNT toolchain is all native, on hpux, on mac, on solaris, on red
hat, on windows.  Using Cygwin on Windows is like using Wine on Linux.
If you were trying to use Wine and activestate perl on linux then asked
for help on a linux newsgroup you'd be told (in no uncertain terms) to
uninstall the lot and just use native perl.  That is exactly the same
advice you will get here: use the native windows toolchain.


Arthur Barrett

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