[cvsnt] (RC8) Very slow to start processing!

andysnews at southby.me.uk andysnews at southby.me.uk
Wed Oct 29 21:07:24 GMT 2008


> OK - so we've narrowed it down to the lock server.  Do you 
> have 'lock server listens locally' set in the CVSNT control panel?
Yes I have.

Thanks for the suggestion I will check ipv6 when I get to work tomorrow and
let you know.

I may have misled you with poor phraseology. When I said "CVSNT
(RC9) (Complete server install) All except for 'CVSNT
enumeration protocol' plug-in disabled." I meant that the 'CVSNT enumeration
protocol' was the only one still enabled.

I didn't know what it was so left it alone. Now I know it's related to the
zeroconfig feature.


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